The challenge of international business management or leadership in the Coronavirus space from a Critical Hermeneutics perspective

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Management, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.


One of the controversial issues in the science of organization and management is the distinction between management and leadership. The main purpose of this article is to investigate the ambiguities and conflicts in the theoretical separation of management and leadership in the field of international business in the face of the Corona Pandemic. The strategy of the present study is qualitative, which has been done by the critical Hermeneutic method of the four-stage model of HERDA. The method of collecting information was library. According to the interpretation, 5 cases of ambiguity and contradiction were identified, which are: 1- Inefficiency of organizational leadership styles due to communication limitations, 2- Adaptability as the main task of leadership and the condition for dealing with a pandemic on the other hand. 3- The condition that the leader-follower relationship is not based on ignorance and compulsion and obligation, which has been violated in the case of Corona in all three conditions.4- Identifying the motivation to follow, based on adaptation and coordination and fear of social deprivation, 5- Finally, the control of the cost of the consequences of the disease crisis is the responsibility of the management, It is therefore concluded that the corona is not just a complexity that can be overcome by management alone, and not just a change that can be controlled by leadership; Corona has blurred the line between management and leadership.


Main Subjects

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