The Impact of Individual and institutional indicators of entrepreneurship on Market Share of the Selected Countries of Global Exports of Medical Equipment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Management, Buinzahra Branch, Islamic Azad University, Buinzahra, Iran

2 Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 MA of Economics, Hamedan, Iran


The medical device industry is one of those industries that can be a viable option for expanding the export of industries based top technology. Considering the development of individual and institutional entrepreneurship indices can help to better understand business opportunities in the field of medical equipment and to gain competitive advantage and increase the share of countries through the production of new, high quality and low cost products. Worldwide export of medical equipment, Current research, with using dynamic Pane Data approach and generalized moment method, the effect of individual and institutional indicators of entrepreneurship on the market share of 20 countries selected from global exports of medical equipment during the period 2013-2017 was investigated. The results of the model estimation showed that the effect of individual and institutional indicators of entrepreneurship on the market share of selected countries from global exports of medical equipment is positive and significant. Also, the effect of control variables of degree of openness of economy and real exchange rate on the market share of selected countries from global exports of medical equipment is positive and significant.


Main Subjects

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